Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy 3 Months!

Dear Jake,

Wow- I can't believe you have already been here for 3 months with us! I think your dad and I say 'time is going so fast' every day! I guess time does fly when you're having fun!

You are still an easy baby! You have really spoiled us!

You are sleeping about 6 hours straight a night. You still like your routine of going to bed around 8:30 each night. Then usually around 3am you want a bottle and then again around 7am and then you get up around 9am. I go back to work soon to finish this school year and I am really dreading it- it will mess up your schedule because you'll be leaving early with me. It's only for 2 1/2 months though!

You are still sleeping in our room in the rock and play sleeper. You are not a fan of laying flat so we have not pushed you being in your crib. You are a pretty quiet sleeper, so you don't disturb me or your dad sleeping.

You are really starting to become more aware and able to focus on things. During the night when I am holding you waiting for your bottle to eat up, you just smile and smile as you see yourself in the mirror.  It is so cute!

You are up to about 5oz in your bottle now every 3- 3 1/2 hours.   A couple of times when we were just giving you a little over 4oz in your bottle, you started to fuss when you finished that and we went to burp you.  You just looked at us like whoa wait a minute I still want more!

You are becoming my little buddy as we get out of the house more and more.  We have gone to the park, walking around the track with your new friend Garrett (and mommy's college friend, Amy), shopping, to MOPs (mom group at church), and your favorite is visiting daddy at work.  You do great traveling as long as the car is moving.  You are not a fan of being in your car seat if you are awake though!

It is interesting to me how many strangers in the store comment on how adorable you are and then carry on long conversations about you.  Recently at Office Depot, a young man kept talking about you and guessed that you were about 3 months old.  He shared all about his life and wanting to have children.

You love having your hands up... we call this your 'kung fu' pose because it looks like you are ready to karate chop something!

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